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Conflict-of-norms in the information society: national security and cross-border data flow (3 March)
Kelman Seminar Series: Ukraine: What Nest?
Trade, Internet Governance, and Cross-Border Data Flows | CIGC
CPDP 2019: Clashing constititional norms, cross-border data and free expression.
SIPA Tech & Society - Bruce Schneier
Regulating the Digital Economy
CPDP 2018: Finding a Way Forward for Cross-Border Data Requests.
'The Hacked World Order: How Nations Fight, Trade, Maneuver, and Manipulate in the Digital Age'
Towards a political ecology of cyberspace 3 of 3
Privacy, Big Data, and the Internet | CIGC
Conflicts in Cyberspace: Strategies & Structures of Major States
COVID-19, Stigma and Discrimination as Layers of Borders